The On PACE Podcast
The On PACE Podcast is a podcast hosted by James Fuller and covers a wide variety of topics ranging from running, banking, aviation, and more. P.A.C.E. stands for Positivity. Achievements. Challenges. Endurance. The goal of the podcast is to discuss personal and business experiences, goals, ideas, etc. that fall within these topics. The discussions on the podcast will also incorporate and deal with physical, spiritual, financial, and mental fitness. Topics, Guests, and content will vary from episode to episode. The desire is that the content of the podcast will be informative, motivational, and inspiring to those that listen and offer opinions, thoughts, and guidance for various topics discussed.
The On PACE Podcast
003 - The On PACE 20 for 20
20 for 20 (Goals for 2020)
- Write down your goals!!! Check them off when you accomplish and don’t hesitate to add more goals. Post it notes on your night stand or head board or fridge. You are 42% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down. So write them down. Set goals in stages 1, 2, and 3. Set attainable goals and reach goals.
“A dream written down with a DATE becomes a goal. A goal broken down into STEPS becomes a PLAN. A plan backed by ACTION becomes reality and makes your dreams come true”
2. Spend more time with family!!! Be present!!
3. Read more (maybe a goal of 1 book/mth)
Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body.
Increases knowledge
Improves focus and concentration
Improves conversational skills
Increases cultural knowledge language skills and worldview
Challenges your imagination
Increases your skill in a trade or area of interest
Inspires you
Scientific facts about reading
Reduces stress - In 2009 University of Sussex in the UK assessed how different activity’s lowered stress by measuring heart rate and muscle tension. Reading a book or newspaper for just 6 minutes lowered peoples stress by 68% which was a strong effect than going on a walk (42%) or listening to music (61%).
Helps you live longer - Yale university study of 3600 adults over the age of 50 for 12 years showed that people who reported reading books for 30 minutes a day loved nearly 2 years longer than those that read newspapers or magazines
4. Increase your exercise - take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk instead of drive to nearby locations. Set a goal to run a race (1 mile, 5k, 10k, half marathon, or full marathon)
5. Payoff debt (start smallest and knock them out smallest to largest)
6. Start saving or increase saving
7. Give more to charities/non profits/church
8. Random acts of kindness (give to someone in need each month)
9. Spend less time on the screen
10. Reduce complaining
11. Start a gratitude journal
12. Visit local destinations that are close
13. Pay a compliment to at least 1 person each day
14. Drink more water
15. Run the day instead of the day running you (take control of your day)
16. Avoid negativity and negative people
17. Cook more (healthier and more affordable)
18. Clean out your email inbox
19. Listen more and talk less
20. Make your bed every morning