The On PACE Podcast

010: NYC Marathon - 5 Tips for a Big City Race

James Fuller

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In this episode the tables are turned and Mandy interviews me about my experience running the New York City Marathon. We enjoyed our time in NYC, but learned a lot of lessons. Hopefully you find these tips beneficial as you prepare for your next big race. 

Having a scheduled training plan will help you maximize your performance. This requires discipline and if you find that hard, seek a coach or friend that can hold you accountable. 

Tip 2: Vacation AFTER your race
Learn from my experience that we discuss in this episode and save your vacation and touring for after you race. I recommend getting in the afternoon before you race. Visit the Expo, take you pre race pics, go to dinner, and then get back to your room and REST. You will be on your feet for your race the next day, so limit activity leading up to the race. 

Tip 3: Get comfortable before the race
Find a place that you can get comfortable, stay warm, and wait for your starting time. You will probably be waiting for a few hours. Get some cheap clothes that are warm and can be worn over your race clothes and then discard in the donation bins as you exit the corral. Utilize bag drop for any items you prefer to keep, however avoid this all together will expedite your pre and post race experience for sure. If you would like different shoes to wear while you wait around, I recommend getting some old or cheap shoes you can donate as well. 

Tip 4:  Plan your nutrition before your race
Don't try anything new on race day. Use your training time leading up to the race to try nutrition and fuel. This will allow you to see what works and what doesnt for you body. 

Tip 5: ENJOY and Take in the moment
While it is a big race, unless you are an elite, try to enjoy the sights and sounds. The crowds are usually amazing and the views incredible. If you can't easily access your phone while on the course, think about carrying a separate micro camera (GoPro) to get some pics and video of the things you want to remember. 

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